Thursday, June 23, 2011

Holy soreness

Today, my trainer T.K. did not give me any slack at the gym. I could barely wash my hair in the shower. I am wobbly and shaky and cannot lift my arms any higher than to type on the keyboard.

My goal is to look like this
With a booty like this

And arms like this

Look I said it was my 'goal'. I didn't put a timeline on it though, lol. Jessica Biel, I know you are my future hubby's dream girl, but I admit, you're mine too. I need your rockin bod one way or another!

I have an 8:30 sesh with T.K. tomorrow morning. I might have pnemonia.
I'll keep dreaming of one day owning this physique. Until then, I'll be soaking in epsom salt.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Wedding dresses and working out

One of my college friends got married this past Saturday in Highland Park. It was a gorgeous ceremony and of course a super fun reception. I had the honor of being one of her bridesmaids and she will be one of mine. I only hope I can be as cool and calm as she was on her big day. I also hope that I will be as beautiful as she was! I mean seriously!!??!
Congrats to the happy couple who are now sipping coladas in the Dominican Republic :)
Speaking of wedding dresses....mine should be here any day now! I'm not one to withhold my feelings so of course I am like a giddy schoolgirl about this. My dress was ordered in December 2010. The estimated arrival date was mid April. Then mid May. Then end of May. THEN, the designer himself called me to tell me (in his cutest Austrailian accent) he was so sorry but had to travel to Hong Kong to get the material, or something like that. So, I of course, am totally flabberghasted that he called me, not to mention told me he'd send it with a bottle of champagne and caviar, that I am oblivious to the fact he told me it'd be here And if not, he'd personally hand deliver it to me. After I hang up I'm like wait, whaatt???! Insert steam coming out of my ears now. And much to my chargrin Nick, naturally, responds with "Cool, caviar? Oh that'd be so sweet if he came to the wedding!" Um, no you didn't. The day of my wedding??! Absolutely not! What about my fittings? I BETTER not fit into that thing when I got measured 5 months ago! But not to fear, because it will be here. I just love that little bald headed Austrailian. Henry, not Nick. Well, I love him too but he has hair left and he's Irish ;)
I can't wait to see what it looks like, because I can't really remember. And I hope I still like it.

I am hoping it swallows me like a potato sack because I've been working out! I'll give you a second to re-read that sentence. And I actually like it. Scratch that, I love it. I used to go to the gym and people watch. You know, that person who goes from machine to machine, gracefully wipes away 'sweat' with the towel and hopes no one notices that you probably burned more calories doing that?? Well not anymore. THIS chick is on those machines like a hawk over its prey. I might look like I jumped in the pool, didn't change clothes, but so, I'm on the treadmill! I do love classes more, however, they are always full! Does anyone in Frisco work??! From 5 a.m. (ha, not like i'd know but you get the point) until it closes its packed. It gets all hot in those little rooms and there's always a middle aged woman next to you looking great and doing the moves perfectly. Whatever, they don't impress me b/c honey your face was done by a surgeon. :) So I just claim the one available machine and own it. I still don't feel that I'm yielding the results I want for my wedding day, but I'm impatient and also just started working out hardcore. Probably because I have a little more free time since its's summer. That's nice too. I could get used to it. Don't get me wrong, I love what I do, but it's nice to get things done during the day. I love middle of the afternoon hair appts! Ask me again when Nick's business travel picks up more, though. I miss him when he's gone :(

Oh and I'd love to be so 3008 and update this blog background thingy. Can someone help me get rid of the standard one?? thanks :)

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Why is it so hard?

To come up with a cute and catchy title for blogs?? I used to think I was pretty clever and quick witted. Not anymore.
Anyway, schools out for summer!!! Woo hoo!! I am looking forward to summer 2011 in the worst way. I know it will go by fast, but that's okay.
Nick and I just got back from Florida last night. We went to finalize everything (well tried to anyways) before we go back the week before we get married. The only thing we didn't get to do was get our marriage license. We had to have 2 forms of ID and forgot our passports. So luckily, since we are out-of-staters, we can sign it and get it on the spot so we will be legalized once our officiant announces us Mr. and Mrs. :)))) I am so very excited to become Mrs. Riordan! Once the stress of the planning is over, we can relax on the beach, sip colodas, get a nice tan and come back to being Newleyweds! We are planning on traveling, fixing up the house and just enjoying each other's company. He really makes me laugh and I thank him for that :)

Here are some pictures from Florida:

 A slight version of what our cake will look like :) layered with red velvet of course, and amaretto rum and vanilla with passion fruit buttercream filling. nom nom nom
 Not from Florida, but this is Nicholi with my class pet. It was the sweetest thing! He snuggled up there for about 30 mins.!
And last but not least, PLEASE pray for a Mavs win!! And if you're not rooting for the Mavericks, you suck at life :)
DIRK is my homeboy!!!