Thursday, April 21, 2011

Heavy hearts and grumpy bears

Tuesday night before heading to bed I checked my email as usual to make sure I could go to sleep peacefully and know that there's nothing I have to do or think about. See, I normally go to bed around 11:00 so I figured if anyone needed anything, they'd have already emailed me about it. I'm not going to lie, I cringe when I see a number in parenthesis. Ugh, what NOW?! However, this particular email pulled at my heart strings and I realized, so much for my peacful sleep.
My principal just might be the coolest person and boss on this Earth. No, seriously though. She's one of the most kind-hearted, understanding and generous person I've met. The subject was titled "I need your prayers." Ok, I thought. Done and done. The message was that her dear friend had been missing since early morning.
A friend. From Frisco. A MOM. What?! Of course, I pray for a good outcome and lay my weary head down.
The next morning I turn on the news like every morning and it's the breaking story. As the day goes on, of course everyone is on pins and needles at school and praying like crazy to themselves. After school, I go to Crate and Barrel which is at Shops at Willowbend in Plano. As I'm driving home I thought, I need a nice pedi and mani after today. I exit the street of where my nail salon is located and as I'm exiting I look to the left where there is a field and see news vans, cameras, tents, etc. My heart sank. This is 2.5 miles from my house. In Frisco. People move here, to this exact city, because of its safety. In fact. it's the 14th safest city in the U.S. And the 2nd safest in Texas!
Upon getting home I heard the tragic news. And I can only think "Why?" How can people been so cruel? Why is such a senseless thing happening to a wonderful family? I begin to fear for my safety as well. Will we ever live in a world of peace?

This week I have been a basketcase of emotions and stress. Poor Nick has to be the bear of my grumps, ha. The hustle and bustle of the end of the year has got me ragged. The wedding planning and finding time to do anything is overwhelming. My poor house has been neglected because I'm to exhausted to clean and count down the days until the housekeeper gets there because I don't have the energy to wipe down the counters. But it's times like this that I need to wake up and count my blessings twice! My heart is heavy for this woman, her SON, her family and friends.  Please continue to pray for them.