Wednesday, January 19, 2011


It's all I've been doing for the past 24 hrs. I can't remember the last time I was this sick. Wait, yes I can. Dec. 29 2009. I had food poisoining from a sushi restaurant and I can remember I felt like dying. And at the time didn't care if I did as long as I didn't feel that sick any longer.
This past weekend I went home to visit some friends and my momma. I came home on monday evening and was so excited to see my honey. He had gotten me a dozen orangish pinkish roses and had made chicken pasta. I came in, dropped off my suitcase and we had a glass of wine with a candlelit dinner. I sat on the bed with my stack of papers to grade while watching the bachelor and we were about to turn in for the night. After my bath I said I really don't feel well. Didn't think anything of it until i woke up at at around 2 am. I remember feeling so nauseous that if I moved I was going to spew. So I kicked my legs and wiggled then decided if I throw up I'll feel much better. So I get up calmly, go to the toilet and yep, yack away. Poor Nick never knows what to do so he just rubbed my back while trying to look away.
Afterwards, I immediately get the chills, yet break out in a sweat that covers my back and head. However, I cannot cover up with sweatpants and socks and blankets enough. For the rest of the night I'm tossing, turning and continue to become nauseous. Didn't sleep at all. At 5:45 when my alarm goes off I decide what to do. Since my temp was 100.8 I call into work. As I head to the office to send in my lesson plans, I reach for the trash can and ultimately fill it up. I make an appt for the doc while Nick goes to some appts and am still not sure how I'll make it there in my own. I get to the doc, lay down on the bench after checking in, then again when i get into the room. I explain my symptoms and ask to lay back down. The nurse (who I absolutely love, as well as my doc) grabs me a big pan and sets it next to me before leaving.
In walks my doctor. Amy, I've never seen you like this what's going on. I sit up and try to talk, then I hold up my finger and grab the pan. Yep. Insert almost projectile vomiting into the bucket for a good minute while my doctor gets up walks to the sink and I have no clue what he does then. Sooo embarrassing. Before I can explain symptoms of course he asks "could you be pregnant?" "When was your last cycle?" yada yada. Don't you put that on me sir!
Give me a shot or something but don't let me walk out of here with child or without Zofran. I mean it!
So as it turns out I have the stomach flu. It is the worst thing imaginable. Kinda like food poisoning. Nick came home with a huge teddy bear, soup, jello, gatorade, sprite, oranges and m&m's :) I slept all day and night. He left for Lubbock this morning and won't be back till tomorrow night. So, he'll come home to dinner on the table and hopefully I can enjoy it with him.
I'm sore, tired, weak and exhausted today but hope my life can be normal again tomorrow.
Stay tuned :)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

2011 is going to be the best year yet

I feel ashamed about my lack of blogging. I seem to only do it when Nick is out of town. Waaah! I hate when he's gone. He (well, we) will be traveling ALOT in the next few months. Nick for work and miscellaneous and me for pleasure and miscellaneous. It's okay though. The couple that travels together stays together!
We recently took a trip to New York City and Florida. They were both fantastic and productive. I've been wanting to go to NY for as long as I can remember and it is just how I've always envisioned it. Especially since we got to go during the holidays. I am so lucky and thankful for my sweet Nicholas who always makes sure I get to enjoy the amazing things in life. Reason number 382048 I love him so much and can't wait to spend my life with him!
We stayed in a fabulous hotel, went to Spiderman on Broadway (I've ALWAYS wanted to go to a REAL broadway show and it just so happened we got to go to one of the most talked about productions in history) unfortunately, we also saw first-hand  a would-have been tragedy, from one of the stunt men, but thankfully he was okay. We knew it would be bad, but didn't expect for it to get so much coverage on T.V.!  Spidey took a BAD fall when his harness snapped and it was featured on Today Show, E! and national news. Apparently, the show has had many problems, despite its mega million cost. Glad he was ok :)
I went to THE Kleinfeld to pick out my wedding dress (I said "Yes to the Dress!, ha) and just so happened that the designer of my gown, Henry Roth, had a trunk show that day and was at the shop! So, my bridal consultant left me in the room to get the alterations lady so I could get measured, and came back with Henry to meet me! It was such a neat experience! I changed a bit of the design(took something off and added something different to my liking) so I was worried he would think I altered his mastepiece, but he said "Dahhlng I love what you did and love that you took it and made it your own". SOO COOL! He dubbed it the "Amelia Dress" (French for Amy of course:) and took 10% off! hehe. Am I good or what?!
We got to have dinner with one of Nick's best bud's Pat who is also a groomsman in our wedding. He goes to Columbia grad school and lives in SoHo with his girlfriend who happens to be a teacher in Harlem! They are awesome and can't wait till we hang out again.
Other than that, we enjoyed the city, shopped, ate, and, oh yeah...had a mini, fun engagement shoot! Here are some faves:

Of course we had to represent the Big D :)

Christmas in Florida was wonderful. In fact, I can't see why anyone would want to spend Christmas anywhere other than the beach. I just LOVE the Riordan's! They are too fun! They love to drink, eat and play games. Needless to say, I fit in just great :) We set the wedding date for July 23, 2011 at Harbour Ridge Yacht and Country Club in Palm City, Fl.

Life couldn't be much more blissful than it is now :)))