Tuesday, November 30, 2010

That's what I love about Sunday

I had a wonderful week off. Yes, that's right, a whole week. Ahh the perks of being an educator. Because the money is sure no perk. Then again, you don't become a teacher for the money. Right??!
We hosted our first Thanksgiving on Fisher Dr. {our house} it went pretty good, I'd like to think. However, you don't realize the 'stuff' you need and moreover, don't have, like your grandparents who've accumulated things over the last 60+ years. Why do granmas still need a hot plate? What the heck is that? Or an ice cream scoop even? Uh, we use a big spoon. See,right here, its bent :) Corningware?? Will this white casserole bowl work? A sauce pan? OOOH you mean a pot? I am no 50's housewife that is for sure. When she asked where my apron was though I was one step ahead of her. Never wore it, but I made Nick buy it for me at Pier 1 one day because it was so cute. So it finally got some use! The good news is, my food was edible, unburnt and we got a nice, long list of items we need to register for!
We sat around cooking, eating of course, laughing by the fire while watching the Cowboys game. The end result wasn't what we had hoped for, but they still played their hearts out! yes, I am a beloved fan always have been, always will be. They make my blood boil 99.9% of the time, but when you were born in Irving and bred into a Cowboys fan household (my grandma just might be the biggest fan of all) its innate. I even have a picture of me when I was an infant with a "Littest Cowboys Fan" bib on :) But the Ags won, so that made up for it.
The rest of the week/weekend I slept in, shopped and spent nice quality time with my love and our dear friends Jen and Brad. Back to the grind now, but only 3 more weeks until NYC and Florida!

Harlem Globetrotter! He's HUGE!

Love these two :)

Love these two too :)


Haha gross. but cute :)

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Not slowing down anytime soon

I'm BAAACCK! Wow, I don't even know when my last blog post was, but I DO know a lot has happened in a few short months. For starters, we've been to Europe and back. GOT ENGAGED!! Traveled more than the average normal human being. And now planning a wedding. And planning a house full of people for Thanksgiving. Then going to two different states in a week. Whew. So needless to say, I haven't really had too much time on my hands to type. It is now 10 p.m. and I am not sure I'm feeling it now. But anyhow, I guess I could give a little tidbit on wedding plans. Or lack thereof :)

We were dead set on Austin, Tx. always have been for me. Love the hill country. Then had a moment of Playa del Cabozumel weakness. The beach just seemed so effortless and pictureseque. Then theres the passports everyone has to get, the drug cartels, yada yada. Back to Austin. Then raises the question about the venue. Nothing has 'everything' I'm looking for. Price is too much. Start slashing the guest list. I can hear the cutting sound now :) That's rude.

Ok so it boils down to this. Now, we're thinking Florida. Nick's parents are fabulous chefs and his dad is the executive chef of an amazing yacht club in West Palm Beach. I need to listen to everyone's advice which is this..."Do what YOU want to do". Don't worry about pleasing other people. And I think the epiphany of that statement hit me yesterday. All the naysayers and opinionaters and know- it -alls can go somewhere else. We will spend how much we want, have it where we want, do what we want, etc. At first, I'm not gonna lie, I can see where people say it's soo much money for one day. Well you know what? We could die the next day. It's just money and you can't take it with you. Besides, no one knows our entire budget or what we have saved or willing to shell out. We want to host an unforgettable party and we will do just that. We don't plan on slowing down anytime soon. We love to travel and do not plan on starting a family for a few years now. We love the spontenaity of our lifestyle and just picking up and going someplace.
It's our lifestyle, our money, and our day. Yes we would love to share it with everyone we know, and those who feel the same way will be there with us, too. Ahh just writing this and hearing the words echo in my mind brings down the stress level 265 notches :) At any rate, it will be fabulous and I will marry my lovebug which is really all that matters to us anyway!!

Funny first grade rambling:
Talking about pilgrims coming over on the Mayflower crossing the Atlantic Ocean one of my girls says "Hey my cousin lives in Atlanta!!" Guess we'll go over geography after the fall break :)