So, I thought I'd try my hand at a blog for my class this past year, but now I want to start a personal one. We'll see how often I actually update this thing. I'm not that exciting, however, I tend to have a lot more free time now that it's summer :)
In the past few months a lot has happened. I moved to Frisco with my wonderful boyfriend Nick, got a new job teaching Kindergarten for the upcoming school year and we got a new boxer puppy Tux who is just as cute and sweet as can be! Life is pretty great right now.
~My best friend got engaged in May. November 20, 2010 is the big day! I cannot wait!! I am so excited and happy for her. Casey and I have been best friends since Kindergarten and have dreamt of having fulfilling lives and happiness since we were little girls. We wanted to live together in college, be teachers, find amazing men that would treat us like princesses and live a fabulous life. Check, check, check and check! Although it is bittersweet that we are now, for the first time in a looong time in different places, we're still the same goofy girls we once always were :) You can take the girl out of the country but you can't take the country out of the girl, haha. I am so thrilled for her, Jakey and Cody and am honored to say that she is my bestie and I will share this day with her. Needless to say, there is going to be ALOT of shower, bachelorette and wedding day planning these next few months! I wouldn't want it any other way.

~My other bestie Kelly is pregnant, having a sweet baby boy and is due the DAY AFTER my birthday! I hope the little guy will make his debut a few hours earlier so we can share that day together. I will be planning a fun shower for her soon as well. I knooow the naaaame (naanny, naanny boo, boo) but it will be revealed the day of her shower. How cool is that?! Maybe I should just make a career change to event planning??! :)
Other than that, me and Nick will be taking a Greek Isle cruise (that he won with his company for being an AWESOME salesman! Way to go honey!!) at the end of September until Oct. 10, HIS birthday! We'll be in Madrid, Spain that day. What a fabulous present :) We are going to Venice, Italy, Greece, Croatia, Turkey and Spain. Ahhh...this is the life :)
These next few months I will just be going to some workshops and training and preparing for the upcoming school year. Right now, Tanner is chewing a bone that he ganked from Tux and Tux is curled up under my desk snoozing. Nick is golfing for a 'work function', ha, and I am watching E! and contemplating an afternoon nap or maybe reading my book by the pool. I'm a lucky girl, that's no doubt :)
I guess I'm not too terribly boring?! ;)